Well, it happened today. I've now completed two of three Holy Week services and I still of the third, most important, Easter sermon to write. My brain is tired.

Anyway, I think I can best describe my playing today visually:

My main problem is that I didn't anticipate how much my hands swell after I'm warm. Ye olde preachin' robe gets things toasty, which is fine, but my fingers swelled enough that they didn't move as smoothly past each other as I would have liked. I got better as I went along. In retrospect, I probably should have stuck with my Jackson. I'm used to everything about it. That extra bit of familiarity would have been nice. The members were complimentary. I could see myself doing something like this again, but next time it will be with my own guitar. Also, it would have been better before I preached. Preaching ~18 minutes from memory is mentally taxing. By the end of the service I was pretty wiped out. I also got the yips way worse than I thought I would.

I was going to record it with my phone but I got caught up in the moment and forgot. All for the best, probably.