My son is wearing an old T-shirt that says 'Club' something I got for free when I was six or so, and it appears in nigh every photo of me taken in the summer ever since. My cousins even had a special name for that shirt because I always wore it and it was my favorite one.

That's me wearing the T in I believe what HAS to be around '76 or '77:

In 2001 I gave it to my sister as a memento when her daughter was born, and she used it later...she wore it around 2009 when they visited our cottage and my sister gave it back to me because my boy was getting big enough to wear it.

Well since then, as of 2012, my older boy is quite often wearing the same shirt, still looking the same, faded but sound...don't have a picture here though. And I suppose in a few years it'll fit my younger boy too and still be used.

I would not be surprised to see that shirt see 40 years of hard use...if it takes that with grace, I'll frame the rag!