Quote Originally Posted by ToddK View Post
Not only do you think you'll get a good mic for 29 bucks, but you actually trust the reviews at Amazon?

Now i've seen everything. LOL
Ignorance is bliss.

I run sound in a bar in Chicago. Sunday past. I had 5 bands. One was a 12 pc including a 4 pc horn section, 2 percussionists plus drummer, bassist 3 amped electrics. I had 5 vocal mics and mic'd 2 of the guitar cabs.

While this band is an extreme, I do everything from violists to stand up to singer/songwriters to bands, several times a week. (I've got two bands tonight)

I use SM-86's SM-58's SM-57's GLS ES-58's. the latter is in fact a Shure SM-58 clone. When purchased from http://www.speakerrepair.com/ they come in at $28.33 ea.

For 3 years now they function in every way shape and form exactly as the SM-58's.

I purchased them because a sound engineer friend, who pays his (considerable) mortgage running a studio, mixing master tapes for Widespread Panic and running sounds at festivals and venues, directed me to them when I said "Dude, I need mic's and I'm broke". He said they functioned fantastically and if they "walk away" or fail, you're out $29.

You're newer here ToddK, but others here know enough of me to know I'm a dude, with no product to promote or axe to grind. So consider this a review you can trust. Or not.