Despite refusing to read the Narnia books when I was younger, the amazing previews sold me on it, so last night I went and saw the movie.

For those of you that haven't seen it, do so now. Just stop reading this post and go see it. Absolutely unreal cinematography. I was watching the whole time expecting some lame CGI graphics and it never came.

Some people might complain that it isn't true to the book. (I don't know, didn't read it as said before) Or they might say that the character development was a little lacking, but the music, costumes and special effects were so well done that everyone should enjoy it.

The only real concern is that the theatre will likely have a number of small children in it that will get scared and could possible cry, but that's really all part of the Disney Experience.

Anyway for those that have seen it. Discuss. For those that haven't. Did you even read this? Go see it. Seriously.