Well that windstorm that the US east coast had made a giant tree fell on my house, 2 cars and a small part of my head. I'm okay, just a bump/bruise, but my house, cars, and mind aren't. Both cars totaled, there's a hole in my roof and other property damage (gutters, siding, fencing, landscaping). The insult to injury was that we lost power for 10 days and the other insult to injury was the heat wave.

Both cars were under there.

We got out of there, and now we're just picking up the pieces. I have to buy 2 new cars and juggle a whole lot of work being done to my property. Lost everything in the fridges... it's a real shame. I'm probably going to throw out my refrigerators because the smell is so bad.

Anyway, the thing that makes me most nervous are buying 2 new cars. I was happy about no car payments, now it looks like I'll have them again. Insurance is covering well, but my wife wants a new car since we're hoping to start a family. We're thinking of a Volvo SUV. Thoughts, haggle tips?

I lost my 05 Jeep Wrangler. What a beast that thing was. I loved it to pieces and I'm going to miss it sorely. I want to buy another one but they're so expensive...