It is indeed a very flexible amp that will cover blues, jazz, pop and classic rock styles very nicely. I think that is very good, indeed. However, if you're looking for '80s hair metal and harder sounds, you won't be able to cover those with this amp unless you do it with pedals. This is not a master volume amp with cascading gain stages, so you're not going to get big-time distortion from the amp by itself. And it obviously has limited power, though mic'ing it through a good PA system should allow you to cover most venues, if gigging with the amp is an objective. But I can tell you that between this amp and my Mesa Boogie Express 5:25, I can get pretty much any of the sounds I want for the range of styles I play. So while I haven't found one amp that will do everything I want, the combination of these two pretty well covers the gamut for me. YMMV....