Tio Komo: I didn't put that very accurately. The 339 was quite versatile and I especially liked it for pure bluesy stuff like BB King. I really had no issues with the guitar other than I wanted this LP and the 339 helped bring in the dough -- bought it used and got the same as I paid for it two years ago! Same with the PRS. Love both but found I was typically getting more use from my Tele and Strat onstage. The LP gives me a complete arsenal I'm happy with -- but I still miss the 339.

About the Mesa: it was excellent with the 339. I typically run through the clean channel to get best definition, gain at about 2 oclock just starting break up. Use a pedalboard for more drive. The Lone Star is a hyper responsive amp that sounds best when most of the controls are used conservatively. It takes a bit of time to get settings you like, but once you get them it's hard to beat. And the 3-wattage selection is very useful. 5 watts is perfect for home and recording, although I've done gigs with it. 15 watts works perfectly in a smallish room and the 30 watt option makes sure you can get solos out front with headroom to spare. My only beef with it is it is quite heavy for its size. That's a small sacrifice for the guts and tone it delivers. Plus it's built like the proverbial brick xxxhouse so plenty sturdy. (Also has a honkin big gorgeous spring reverb)