Quote Originally Posted by Eric View Post
It's weird: I'm much more holistic when it comes to bass. By that I mean that I go considerably less by specs and instead just kind of work off of what I hear and feel. Perhaps that means I care less. I think it's mostly a product of me going spec-hunting with guitars for many years and ultimately determining that it doesn't matter as much as I might have thought at one time. I'm happy to just look for good deals and go with what feels good on bass.
I think that with me it's just that I was fortunate enough to get a very nice bass pretty early on (MIA Peavey Fury). I started in 1986 which mercifully was before the dawn of the Intarwebs so I didn't have thousands of sites to peruse with conflicting information. Plus my options were much more limited than they are today. What the couple of shops nearby had, was what I had to choose from.