at the risk of thread veer, may I ask what is this regarding string spacing? I'm aware that, like on guitars, there are different scale lengths, but what's this about spacing?

I'm still bassless...(oh my GF would love to hear me say that out loud) and nearly plunge regularly. Part of the reason I don't is my ignorance. P style, J style, scale, NOW spacing..... I still love the Idea of a full scale semi (a la 335) just because....

Why should I care? What's the deal?

Maybe NWbasser...start a thread on the basics of bass options or something. I'd read it.

I'm this/close to a hollow bodied washburn, full scale, with humbuckers and piezo. It's beautiful and CHEAP. Hanging right next to it was the coolest mustard colored Tele bodied MIJ bass with a single neck pickup. I'd go for that but it was NOT cheap. I'm using simple cosmetics and build quality as my criteria, cuz technically I have no idea.

FWIW... the tele bass i refered to looked exactly like the one on the left, said "precision" on the headstock. and MIJ at the heel.