In my last band, my rig was pretty much dictated to me. I hated it, but I lived with it. Now I'm starting a new band, and guess what! I can play any rig, any way I choose............neener, neener, neener.......

So, in light of my move to heavier, more modern material, I have assembled the rig of my dreams:

Germino Club 40 A/B'ed with Johnson JM150 Millennium. I have a small rack for my wireless, BBE, tuner, and Furman power box. I'm coming out of the rack into a Framptone A/B/Y box. One side goes to the Johnson, the other through a pedal board to the Germino. I did a "full up, full roar" test today and it sounds great. The two amps together are amazing. It's the rig that I've always wanted to play, and I can cover lots of sonic ground with it.

Now, I wish my ears would quit ringing............................