What are these notes you speak of? I have played for well over two decades and made countless songs and recordings, and I'd not be able to find any notes on the fretboard save the spots where the main open chords start and open strings. I just have feelings about around where approximately it sounds good to play. I use a lot of freaky Barre chords, sus something seven nine whatever, I have no clue what they are but that they sound cool and if I play a few inches from the middle fret over them that makes a nice sound. Notes are over-appreciated imo. Studied music in a music school for almost two years, never really understood how does notation work. It's like an insane system, why can't they just use letters and numbers instead of those stupid boingy dots that correspond to nothing and you need a ruler to count how far from the baseline c note each is. Pfft. That's just bull.

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