Quote Originally Posted by duhvoodooman View Post
By "nothing", do you mean zero resistance or infinite resistance? Big difference. Although either way, sounds like the pickup is shot. Should be somewhere around 6 Kohms.
Well, I've got a Sperry multimeter. When I turn it on and set it to 20K, the screen has a 1 on the far left. I assume that means infinite resistance (the manual is less than helpful). If I touch the probes together, it reads 0.00. I assume in the second scenario is how I can use this thing to detect continuity.

Anyway, when I touch the probes to the leads to the pickup (one to the hot lead and the other to the two ground wires soldered together) the meter doesn't change at all. The 1 on the far left stays there. If I try it with my Jackson pickup, the display immediately goes to around 6.20, right where it should be.

I hope this makes sense. I've got a call into Lace's tech support.

The good news is that all of this futzing around finally got me to install my Switchcraft jack. So I've got that going for me.