Hi Jimi,
How goes it with this amp? What are your favourite settings? I just bought the 50 watt combo and am trying to learn its secrets.

Quote Originally Posted by Jimi75 View Post
Hey folks,

I thought I'd give you a quick update here on how things are with the amph. We all know the typical honeymoon phase and the many sales that followed such phases.
I still have a big grin on my face when I turn on my Two Rock...just can't get enough of this amph. This is all I ever wanted soundwise. After almost 8 month I have of course long dialed in my personal settings and found the right pedals.
The Two Rock became a real source of inspiration to me. The top end of the notes and the overtones let me immerse deep into the sound. Unfortunately, I still had ot many occasions to play it live, due to the bass player dilemma we currently undergo, but in the band situation it proves to be an outstanding soundtool. It just doesn't steel any frequencies or sounds from the other instruments, but it cuts clearly and adds beautifully to the global sound of the band. I hope you understand what I want to express - the sound is almighty present but it just adds...difficult to describe. However, I think this is gonna be a long lasting love affair.