Quote Originally Posted by duhvoodooman View Post
Really?? The constant coverage of her e-mail server issues didn't qualify as being "challenged?" Rightly or wrongly, that coverage kept emphasizing the "untrustworthy" criticism about her and (IMO) more than any other single issue, cost her the election. In the key battleground states of PA, MI and WI, Clinton lost by a combined 103,000 votes out of about 13.1 million cast--a difference of less than 0.8%. If those three states go for the Dems, Clinton wins 278 - 260. It was that close....
As far as the emails, there was plenty of coverage....but did they ask the hard questions or just report that republicans were still at it blah blah blah. I heard a lot of coverage that really amounted to nothing. How many times did they point out that it wasn't really about emails, but about having an unsecured server in her house? About 30,000+ deleted emails etc. Is this really acceptable?
I totally agree with you about how close the election was. I think Hillary or her campaign really should be blamed, she decided that certain States were not worth going to because she "had them in the bag". Well, she was left holding the bag....big mistake. Remember when all the news reported that Trump was going to Michigan, they all asked "why is he wasting his time going there where he can't win?". People may not feel he is smart, but he certainly was right. The fact is, Hillary's time was 2008. It was her turn as far as Dems were concerned, she blew it, Barack Obama did not cooperate and beat her. She should not have been running again, the Dems put up a weak old candidate and lost. To me, that was the real bottom line. IMHO Biden or Warren would have won. Nothing to do with Trump.