OK. I've played for years, but never got into the guts of a guitar. I bought a cheapo Rondo SX SJM on Ebay. I admit I did it for the looks alone. I am a Mustang player, and the look for the money ensnared me. I knew from reading reviews at Harmony Central that it would need work right off the bat. I resolved to make it a project. I replaced the Jaguar style bridge with a Mustang bridge. String issue solved. The guitar has two P90 soapbar style pick-ups. when you turn this guitar up, it hums very loudly. I took off the pick guard and vibrato plate, and everything looks tight and in place. The ground wire runs from the tone knob through a hole and into the cavity for the vibrato, where it is supposed to be pinned down when the plate is screwed down. Can anybody point this bonehead (me) towards a first step at cleaning up the sound on this thing? All the controls must be crap at the price I paid for it, but the 10 H Central reviews did not mention noise problems, so maybe it is set up wrong. I thought of replacing the whole insides, stem to stern, so any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm a sucker for the look of the machine, and fixed up it would be dynamite. I have soldered a few things, like a wah wah pedal, and I'm a fast learner. (For anybody tempted to buy one of these guitars, be advised that mine came with two vibrato plate screws missing and the proprietor of Rondo, named Kurt, who was very nice at first, ended up refusing to send me the screws and cut off our email communication! Granted, he's passing these things from china to the customer here in the USA, but he could have helped me out and did not.)