Just wanted to follow up on this thread:

I really love this guitar. All the specs are like they were made for me specifically. I love the taller frets, the flatter radius, and the noiseless pickups. A real eye-opener is the locking tuners. I now wonder why they aren't on every guitar. They make string changes so easy and the tuning stability is great. I worried a bit about being able to detune a half step, but there's plenty of room for that. Adding the push-pull pot for a neck-on mod and adding a treble bleed cap are must-have mods for me. I even like the all-pickups-on setting for a pseudo acoustic sound. The only problem was that I had to fiddle with pickup heights for a long time to get them properly balanced.

My only complaint is the weight. It weighs a metric ton. That probably also explains why it is so loud acoustically and sustains so well. I'm a very happy camper. It also sounds great with my Carvin X-60. That's a great little amph.