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Vox Vs Vox...
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Thread: Vox Vs Vox...

  1. #1
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    Default Vox Vs Vox...

    Still continuing my amph search, and I have a question for the Vox users out there.

    The Valvetronix AD100VT runs about $550.00 USD new.

    The AD120VTX NeoDog combo runs about $1200.00 USD new.

    What do you get with the VTX models that justifies the higher price?

    I've played on the AD120VTX and was very impressed by the sound quality and versatility, but I have a hard time justifying that kind of money for an amph right now...
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  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by Katastrophe
    Still continuing my amph search, and I have a question for the Vox users out there.

    The Valvetronix AD100VT runs about $550.00 USD new.

    The AD120VTX NeoDog combo runs about $1200.00 USD new.

    What do you get with the VTX models that justifies the higher price?

    I've played on the AD120VTX and was very impressed by the sound quality and versatility, but I have a hard time justifying that kind of money for an amph right now...
    It's supposed to have an upgraded power amp section--whatever that means.

    It's modeling section is like the Tonelab, in that it has more amp models 16 as oppossed to 11. It has independent pedal (10 types), modulation (5 types), delay (3 types) and reverb (3 types) sections.

    On the AD30VT has no distortion pedal models and the pedal,modulation, delay, and reverb sections are combined into a single knob with 11 choices
    some of which mix types. For example there is a chorus/reverb and a compression/chorus but no independent compression or chorus.

    To adust the effects on the AD100VT you have to do a two button dance and remember what each button does for the particular effect. On the AD100VT
    once you select a section, say reverb the there edit knobs now control that section and what they control depth, speed etc shows up on the LED readout along with the current setting.

    The VTX series have a built-in tuner and can store 32 programs (settings).
    The VT series can only store 2.

    The A120VTX is stero 60 watts per channel. The Ad100VT is mono.

    On the down side the VTX has a lower sampling rate than the VT series.
    40000 vs 44000 if I recall correctly.

    Otherwise the models that they have in common are identical.
    I pick a moon dog.

  3. #3
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    And don't forget those Neodogs! From what I've read, an excellent speaker, but the original AD120 model had a cheaper Celestion speaker and the amp sold for $200 - $300 less, as I recall.
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    I talked the wife into going to Guitar Center this weekend, with strict instructions that I was not to buy anything...
    Fender 2006 MIM Fender Stratocaster HSS in 3TS
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    Go here and have a word With Voxman, I swear this guy knows more than Vox do about these amps and will give you (nearly) unbiased advice. by the way rumour has it that the 60 & 120 amps are about to become MkII any time soon.


  6. #6
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    Goin' to Gutiar Center today! I'll post about the relentless search for a better amph when I return...
    Fender 2006 MIM Fender Stratocaster HSS in 3TS
    Ibanez RG 570 with a bridge Invader
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  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Oldslowhand
    Go here and have a word With Voxman, I swear this guy knows more than Vox do about these amps and will give you (nearly) unbiased advice. by the way rumour has it that the 60 & 120 amps are about to become MkII any time soon.

    I haven't been over at valvetronix.net or pactchtronix.com in a long while.
    I found The Fret (as did Voodoo) through a post on patchtronix. What do the rumours say will be the changes in the MKII versions?
    I pick a moon dog.

  8. #8
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    Played on a number of amphs today at GC, one Vox (AD50VT), a Line 6 Spider III 2x12 (150 watt), and a Flextone III 2x12. I also played on a Crate RFX 120 for comparison. They had a AD120VTX NeoDog there, but it wasn't plugged in, and was well and truly battered. No new AD100VT to try out.

    I was using a Fender Strat 70s model in Oly White for the test guitar. Superb gitfiddle, by the way. Loved the neck, and played very well.

    The Vox had the absolute edge in clean models over the Spider. The Vox clean models were crisper, cleaner and just sounded great to my ears. The Vox overdriven models tended to sound a bit mushy to me... Speaker, maybe? As a contrast, the Spider clean tones weren't very clear or crisp. The overdriven models, however, had a tight, modern sound that was good.

    I take back what I said earlier about disliking artist presets in general. Some of the presets on the Spider were very good.

    The Crate just sounded like a solid state Crate, except with some pretty good effects. I already have that with my current setup.

    The Flextone III was a completely different animal. Very good sounding amph. The models were easy to select and tweak, and the sound was outstanding. I really liked this amph. The difference was night and day over the Spider, and the clean tones were just about even with the Vox. The Vox wins for quality for the price, though.

    I wanted to also try the Fender Cyber Twin SE, but I wouldn't have been able to hear very well, as there was a young metal influenced lad trying his best to kill a Twin RI.

    So now, I want to compare the Cyber Twin to the AD120VTX, and continue the search from there. What a fun day!
    Fender 2006 MIM Fender Stratocaster HSS in 3TS
    Ibanez RG 570 with a bridge Invader
    ESP M II Deluxe with a Tune-o-Matic bridge
    Eleanor, the magical, mystical Road Worn wonder Tele
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  9. #9
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    Thanks for that report! I have heard the Flextone is pretty darn good. It cost a bit more though I think.

    I compared a Spider II to a Valvetronix once, and the Vox blew the Line 6 off the planet in a big poof! All there was left was a little green spot on the floor where the amp had sat, and small puff of smoke.
    The Law of Gravity is nonsense. No such law exists. If I think I float, and you think I float, then it happens.
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  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Robert
    Thanks for that report! I have heard the Flextone is pretty darn good. It cost a bit more though I think.

    I compared a Spider II to a Valvetronix once, and the Vox blew the Line 6 off the planet in a big poof! All there was left was a little green spot on the floor where the amp had sat, and small puff of smoke.

    The prices went as follows: Flextone III, $699.00 Spider III 2x12 150 watt, $499, Vox AD50VT, $359.00, Vox AD100VT, $550.00 all in US funds.

    You were right, though, the Vox is a tremendous value for the money, although I didn't see the "Amp Disintegrator that leaves a green spot on the floor with puff of smoke" setting on the display model they had in the store.

    Should our amphs meet, mine will stay well out of range to keep that from happening!
    Fender 2006 MIM Fender Stratocaster HSS in 3TS
    Ibanez RG 570 with a bridge Invader
    ESP M II Deluxe with a Tune-o-Matic bridge
    Eleanor, the magical, mystical Road Worn wonder Tele
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  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Robert
    I compared a Spider II to a Valvetronix once, and the Vox blew the Line 6 off the planet in a big poof! All there was left was a little green spot on the floor where the amp had sat, and small puff of smoke.
    Not being one to question such an authoratative review of the Line 6 Spider series amps, I thought I might offer up a web link so that Fretters who "may" be considering one of these great amps can decide for themselves - sans the fantastically descriptive imagery:


    It should also be noted that the Spider lacks any type of "valve reactor" circuit or other tube-based pre-amplification device, which I feel would eliminate it from being a true "apples to apples" comparison to the Vox. The Spider's sound is being generated entirely by solid-state circuitry. As most knowledgable players will attest, hybrid technology undoubtedly holds some major tonal advantages vs. most (but not all) true solid-state equipment.

    Lastly, I would make mention of the fact that Line 6 has been a pioneer in the modeling field since its onset. Part of the reason that the technology is where it is today is because of these efforts, many of which today are widely copied and used by other gear manufacturers. Legions of professional musicians and hobbyists count on Line 6 products for their quality, value, product support, and above all - fantastic tone.

  12. #12
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    Wow, not sure how I should to react to this.

    Nelskie, you are welcome to post links to gear you think is great, but do not try to ridicule people on TheFret.Net again.

    I don't recommend any member to intentionally ridicule another member on this forum, especially not the Administrator.
    The Law of Gravity is nonsense. No such law exists. If I think I float, and you think I float, then it happens.
    Master Guitar Academy - I also teach via SKYPE.

  13. #13
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    Default Running the gauntlet . . .

    Quote Originally Posted by Robert
    Wow, not sure how I should to react to this. I don't recommend any member to intentionally ridicule another member on this forum, especially not the Administrator.
    I would have to think you've reacted appropriately. Nor, would I disapprove of your comments regarding the same. It certainly was not my intent to riducule you, but rather point out the rather blatant bias and subjectivity of your assessment regarding that particular piece of equipment. Having said that, would I also be correct in assuming that the feelings of my friend's youngest son, who coincidentally owns one of these same amps, and who I've directed to the Fret.Net (under the close and watchful supervision of his parents) are of little concern to you? Whether you think so or not, even light-hearted, unassuming comments such as this can hurt, and make people feel bad. Whatever the case was, or how it was interpreted, I am sorry, Robert, if you found anything in my post personally offensive. I chose to stand by a young man (and future rock star, I might add) that I care very much about, and if doing that comes at the expense at my dignity here at Fret.Net (which = exactly squat), or your authority as this forum's administrator, then I fully and readily accept the consequences. The truth of it is that there's an eleven year old kid here in Fargo that thinks his Spider amp is a piece of junk now, and a dad that thinks a bit lesser of me - thanks to your comments. Having said my peace, though, I can live with that. Well . . . at least I think I can.

    Anyways, since this is your forum, and you its administrator, I will forego any further posts or discussion regarding this subject, or any others for that matter - and go about my business elsewhere. The guise of "devil's advocate" (if you can call it that) is a far too challenging role for me, let alone anyone else, to play at this particular forum.

    I extend my personal thanks to all of the members who've made my stay here a memorable one. Keep playing. Keep learning. Most of all - keep discovering. What you find outside of this forum might surprise you.

  14. #14
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    It seems that Nelskie has decided to step out of the light, and I think that its a very bad thing for thefret.net as I have always enjoyed Nelskie´s posts and I really value his opinions on various topics. He has contributed a lot as a talented guitarist and writer, and I must thank you for that Nelskie!

    This time however, I think that you are wrong Nelskie. If Robert (or anyone else here) has a opinion that a amp/pedal/whatever is a bad product then I see no reason to why he should not voice that opinion. Someone here might have that product, but we are talking about personal opinions here right? If someone here suddenly said that something I had were a piece of crap, does that mean that I too have to consider that thing a piece of crap?? No!
    I´m sorry if this post offends you, but this is the way I feel. I hope that we can continue to speak (write?) freely on this forum.
    I can't say that I've given up on a flanger cause I've never liked the effect either. I also can't say the same about Tremolo. I hate them both equally. - Tone2TheBone 2009

  15. #15
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    Aw yes, a Fret fracas. They *do* occur y'know.

    The following isn't even worth the pixels that its "printed" on, but when has that stopped me?

    We certainly shouldn't have to behave as if everyone's favorite 11 year is reading the posts & might not have access to alternate information.
    I really liked Robert's imagery. I'm a metaphor & image kind'a guy. More fun I say!

    That said, I feel for Nelskie's favorite 11 year old & I hope he can, through Nelskie's caring guidance, come to realize that he has a rockin' amp & should get back to trying to rock it.

    I hope Nelskie comes back. The Fret certainly won't be the same without his writing!!! Nelsk, we know that there is a whole world beyond the net. I daresay we all frequent it, but we want you here!

    On the other hand, Robert perhaps you should get Spud to teach you a little zen. Nelsk didn't say anything terrible. Again, I don't really see the issue here.
    Last edited by tot_Ou_tard; January 27th, 2007 at 12:23 PM. Reason: the kid is goes up to 11

  16. #16
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    Yeah, kinda seems like much ado about not a lot (something I've been guilty of on more than one occasion). I sent Nelskie an email asking him to reconsider.
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  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nelskie
    The truth of it is that there's an eleven year old kid here in Fargo that thinks his Spider amp is a piece of junk now, and a dad that thinks a bit lesser of me - thanks to your comments.
    Really? Over an amp? Wow. I would like to think that this would be an excellent time to teach the budding rock star about opinions, and how they don't matter at all if he believes that his rig sounds good.

    I really would hope that your friend doesn't think less of you for referring his son to this forum. The membership is friendly, and we don't get into anywhere near the squabbling that occurs on other forums. Our content here is mild as well. I like that about TheFret.

    I don't think you'll find anywhere in any of these posts that describes any Line 6 product as a piece of junk. Robert's comment was simply hyperbole, used in a humorous fashion, to illustrate his admiration for his Vox amp. Indeed, I think you'll find the description used in this thread of the Line 6 Spider as generally favorable, with the Flextone being an excellent amp. I would not feel bad at all having to go onstage with a Spider. What we were discussing was my search for my next amplifier, and chronicling some thoughts along the way. This search for a new amp has taught me some important stuff about solid state/tube hybrid modelers, and I wanted to write some comments about it. That's what forums are for.

    Blatant bias and subjectivity? Well, yes, we all have bias toward a particular amp, guitar and effects. If we didn't there would only be one manufacturer of the same stuff. Choice is great, and comparing and evaluating new equipment (and sharing that here) is a tremendous way to foster fellowship among musicians, and also open each others eyes to new and different gear. I seem to recall a few of your posts helping me and others do just that.

    It is impossible to consider the feelings of a person that reads this forum that we have no knowledge of. I have an idea... Have the young man and his parents log on and post. We can have an honest discussion about the pros and cons of Spider amps, and whatever gear he has. Be sure, though, that the discussion will be based on opinions and our likes and dislikes. I'm sure you can agree, though, that it will be friendly, truthful, honest and polite.

    Nelskie, you were defending a young, impressionable lad that you obviously care for. That's admirable. It was also admirable for you to apologize. You cannot, however, hold Robert responsible for a comment made in jest that was obviously taken out of context. Your posts here are well thought out, articulate, and eloquent. I would hope that we could put this all behind us and continue talking about guitars, basses, amps, effects and artists. I value your opinion, as it has been dead on more often than not. Leaving over this issue is silly.

    As for playing "devil's advocate," if it's too much of a challenge for you, stop. How about posting more about gear, music and artists that are important to you... Or posting a clip of your playing? You know that we are good to everyone that posts here (with the possible exception of a spammer or two), and you might have some fun!

    Robert's response was dead on, and a model of restraint. Other forums, if the Admin was the subject of such thinly veiled sarcasm, would not have given the choice of staying and continuing to take part in the discussion.

    I'm not a moderator or an admin here, and I really hope that I haven't overstepped my bounds on this subject. If so, please PM me and I will happily delete it.
    Fender 2006 MIM Fender Stratocaster HSS in 3TS
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  18. #18
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    Default Nelskie's Departure

    I am very saddened to hear of Mr. Nelskie's departure. It's no secret, especially to Robert, that the two of our personalities came to a head last May. And as a result, we have gone our separate ways.

    Too bad...I was kinda hoping that this outlet would possibly serve a way to heal and possibly restore our friendship.

    One things for sure...Mr. Nelskie will be a success wherever he goes! Do you know why? Because I have never known a man so driven and so disciplined. Plus he's one of these rare individuals who lives by his principals and is willing to go to the gallows for those principals.

    I am not going to take sides and say who's right and who's wrong. I am simply paying tribute to an intelligent, articulate man, who's friendship I greatly miss.

    Nelskie, if you're out there reading this, I'm sorry for our tiff last May. God's Speed to you, wherever you are!
    Only a Gibson is Good Enough!

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nelskie
    Not being one to question such an authoratative review of the Line 6 Spider series amps
    I don't get it... Nelskie has left here a few times.. Ok, The guy writes nice reviews, he can spelt..I can't.. The review Robert gave told me something in a very short and simple fashion.. straight to the point... VOX rocks and spiders don't... looking around.. it seems to be the general opinion.. and in as much..thats all it was.. Robert's opinion... For The Educated NElskie to get upset and leave again makes no sense at all... if you can't stand the heat why put your hand in the fire... something like that.. Heck, Im comic relief... I don't give a sheeeet.. Im here for opinions if they are 2 line opinions or 2 pages long.. to be honest... the 2 liners keep my attention longer.

    I wish that Nelskie would return... I wish he would write good articles for us.. but I raised four kids... when they stomped off to their bedrooms..I just let them alone... they eventually came back cause they care and just felt hurt... we all have feelings.. lets not tread on them.... and just enjoy guitars...

    Oh Btw..I got a CYBER-CHAMP I sold..it ROCKS..and leaves all else in dust.. ofcourse now I got a CRATE... it rocks harder even though its smaller!! Another words..we all have opinions.. if you have one ...leave it here.. but not with downing others in the process... we all learn from the smallest to the largest opinion... you know some have bigger ones than others...

    Jimmie Vaughan Strat , Squire 51
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    Zager 50, Guild GAD30R (Excellent)
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