Gentlemen, for your consideration...
Take an amph, (my 65 Blackface Super, for instance)...
Add a modeler...
I don't want to destroy the sound of my vintage amph...
Turn the amph models off...add the effects you like..(dual chorus, TS808, Lexicon Reverb, instead of the Fender tank, some slight compression, maybe a hint of delay, either digital or analog modeled type...)...
Set the expression pedal to control the depth of the chorus, or the level of the distortion, or the regeneration of the delay, or whatever suits you...
Try this playing live, and I believe you have the best of both worlds.
Modelers have a great sound for direct recording, and can sound awesome live as well. However, if you are addicted (as I am) to the touch/feel of a tube amph cranked to the sweet spot of even order harmonics, bordering on a "WHUMPH!" of air pounding your chest ever not-so-slightly(make sense so far?) I believe if you take this taste-test live you will be hooked!
This is what I was talking to Tone about when we discussed starting this thread.