Quote Originally Posted by Suhnton
I have a POD 2. To be honest, I don't think it sounds very authentic. You can get some decent sounds out of it, but as far as replicating classic amps, that's a different story. But IDK, once you add all the extra processing (FX, compression, EQ) and then a bunch of other instruments, the finer details just get masked anyway.

I also use a bunch of sim VSTs:

SimuAnalog JCM900 and Fender Twin
BTE Audio TS-808

These are all free. The TS-808 sim is very good.
I agree, and also...a pod xt is IMO a big improvement over 2.0. But the x3 is not much better than 2.0. It seems, with the 2 you best use some speaker emulators as well.