I'm interested in the Mustang Floor as well.
I recently tried a Line6 HD500 and a Boss GT100, and they didn't inspire me at all.
I have owned a Mustang IV amp, and think they are really very good amps. Most of the amp models are really good, and most of the effects are great also.

Apart from the Mustang Floor, I am considering two other units as possibilities: Vox Tonelab EX, and the Zoom G5.
Has anyone had experience with these units ? I was just wondering how they stack up against the Mustang Floor unit

I will be using the unit through either a Bogner Alchemist or a Blackstar HT40, either in front of, or through the effects loop.
Thanks for posting the thread. It seems quite a few people are looking at the options of Multi effects units now, as the quality has generally improved quite a bit, with really good amp sims, and effects that are pretty close to stand alone units.
It would be nice if all of them were able to be used by means of the four cable hook up method, like the Digitech RP1000 has, giving the option of how you have the unit set up.
I'm not certain, but I don't think the Mustang Floor, the Zoom G5, or the Tonelab EX, allow for the four cable hook up method.