Quote Originally Posted by tone2thebone
Oldguy suggested I post this question. I've been talking with him and a few others about their recording modelers. What I'd like to know is what you use and why do you think it's the best. Name some great features for those of us thinking about investing in a unit. Cost of units etc.
I suggest if it is your first mdeler to buy the most inexpensive.. *L*

Seriously though, I bought one of these for 65 bucks http://www.musiciansfriend.com/produ...sor?sku=480732 ANd I admit, I have never used the Wah or expression pedal because I am afraid it will break..

But I found out I was not a full fledged modeler kind of guy..

I am glad I got the lil Behringer.. for my hobby recordings it does just fine.. NO MODELER IS GOING TO GIVE YOU BALLS TO THE WALL FEEDBACK< VOLUME PLAYING OFF STRINGS TONE>.

I sometimes wish I had better tones, but shoot, the thing has many amp models (and for clean non distorted tones it does a goood faxcimile of them) dozens of FX and time based FX, a Tuner, a wah and expression pedal for 65 bucks..

As I learn more about modelers, I may of been less impressed with a 350 dollar modeler and what it can do, than a 65 dollar modeler and what it delivers..

I've used it for every guitar tone on my page DIRECTLY into my computer soundcard..

This aint really saying much.. except that for 65 bucks, it sounds pretty darn good..


after all my BS,,. again, the best modeler I have found for me, is the least expensive one.. you can see I actualy use it right here in the pic..