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Thread: So what do you do when you're not playing guitar?

  1. #39
    Join Date
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    Idaho (I-duh-ho)
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    I think I'm going to switch what I do and start biting the heads off of small furry creatures just because that hasn't been covered yet.

    Pretty diverse bunch of blokes around here.

    "No Tele For you." - The Tele Nazi

    Ha! Tele-ish now inbound.

  2. #40
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    Shelby NC
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    Quote Originally Posted by zeusse
    Here's some pics of my truck and a typical day yeah its a lot of truck only 150 000 lbs loaded with 60000 litres of gas
    My goodness...more smoke blowers..heh... hate like heck to be comming off a mountain with that kinda cargo!! Keep on truck'n zeusse, it aint that bad of life huh...

    Jimmie Vaughan Strat , Squire 51
    Epi 56 GoldTop, SX "Vintage" Jazz Bass
    Zager 50, Guild GAD30R (Excellent)
    G-Dec 3 Thirty, Valve Junior & Cab
    Crate PowerBlock, Crate V33H
    Avatar Cabinet 2x12 Hellatones
    JamVox, Studio GX With Mods/Farm 2.0.

  3. #41
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Justaguyin_nc
    My goodness...more smoke blowers..heh... hate like heck to be comming off a mountain with that kinda cargo!! Keep on truck'n zeusse, it aint that bad of life huh...
    Ya and its all hilly country where I go most of the time I'm lucky to keep it at 50 most of the day and the cars just love to get stuck behind me...LOL They wave that middle finger alot I just keep thinking I'm #1
    Cannuck on a mission
    Guitars: Fender Strat, Gibson Les Paul Custom, Ibanez Roadstar 2, Peavey Wolfgang Standard, Gibson Flying V, Yamaha 12 string, some beat up old classical
    Amps: 1969 Fender Twin Reverb, 2002 Line 6 Flextone 2
    Effects: Digitech GNX4, Boss ME30, and a whack of pedals

  4. #42
    pes_laul Guest


    hmmmmmm i either sleep or go to school

  5. #43
    Join Date
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    Jensen Beach, Florida
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    Well, let's see...

    I'm a Revenue Protection Officer, which is an official sounding title for someone who conducts and oversees investigations regarding theft of utility services, and fraud for a municipal utility that provides electric, gas, water & sewer services. I get to spend time with the dregs of society on a daily basis. So, it's particularly nice to duck in an out of this site throughout the day to spend time with all of you and talk about enjoyable things. I am married 24 years as of yesterday to Mrs. Bloozcat, who is truly my better half. My wife is an Executive Director at our local community college, where she definitely deals with a better clientel than I do.

    When I'm not playing my guitars, fixing guitars (and now amps), modding guitars (and amps), and just generally monkeying with guitars and amps, I like to travel with my wife. Our travels always include eating in fine restaurants and drinking great wines. We love wine so much that we've been to Napa and Sonoma Valleys in California 10 times, and we'll be going back again to the Russian River Valley next March for another stay. We've been fortunate to have spent time in the Medoc on the Gironde penninsula (Bordeaux region) of France, touring several wineries there, and also in the Tuscany region of Italy. Next year for our 25th anniversary we plan to take an Alaskan cruise, something that we've wanted to do for a long time. This weekend we are joining two other couples in NYC for the holiday weekend, to see a couple of plays and see the sights. While there I'll make the obligitory trip to W. 48th St. to music row where Manny's, Rudy's, and several other music stores are located.

    We have no children, which is probably why we're able to travel as much as we do. Just a cat, a nice home on 1+ acre of property that's just a few minutes drive from the ocean.

    My interests are pretty varied. I like many outdoors activities including fishing, camping, hunting, and the shooting sports in general. I used to like athletic sports as well, but my knees have decided to retire me from those endeavors. I like to build/repair things, so I'm constantly busy around the house with projects. I like being self sufficient.

    So, with all of my (our) interests, it's no wonder that I have so much trouble completing my guitar/amp projects....

  6. #44
    Join Date
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    Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
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    I work full time with a 30+ minute drive each way, so that takes up alot of time. As for hobbies we travel to local venues and support all my friends that actually play on a stage. I keep and breed African Cichlids (fish) so that takes up some time, we also enjoy Gaming and we are big WoW players. Then on top of that I try to find a few hours a week to play/practice Guitar..I am now in the process of trying to better organize my hobbies to best creat time for music/guitar, we have no kids so that helps and my GF has her own interests which also helps..

    Seems that we all are getting more and more busy as life goes on..
    I've been imitated so well I've heard people copy my mistakes.
    -- Jimi Hendrix

    Musical Equipment
    1993 USA Fender Strat Plus
    200? Michael Kelly Hybrid
    2002 Gretsch G3100 Historical Series
    Crate BV60 Combo
    Boss ME-20 Multi Effect Pedal
    Recording Equipment
    Mac G5 2.3 Duo Core
    160 & 500 GB Drives
    4.5 GB Ram
    iControl (M-Audio)
    Studiophile AV40 (M-Audio)
    TonePort UX2
    Logic Studio 8

  7. #45
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
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    Hmm, just bumbled upon this thread. I like searches, because they pop up these undiscovered threads. Since we already have a what's-your-job thread, I'll leave that part out of it. So anyway, other than job + guitar/guitar-related things...

    I like to garden, drink beer, and camp in various capacities (car camping, backpacking, etc.). Luckily my wife also likes those things. It helps to live in the wonderful beer city of Philadelphia. I spend (or used to spend) a good amount of time running too, but that's tailed off recently.

    I also dip my toes into the open-source/non-proprietary computing community, running Linux 95% of the time at home. I can't claim to be real active in it, but sometimes just figuring out how to make it work is enough effort for me.

    Lastly, I go to a couple of churches most Sundays (play at one, go to one for the spiritual part). I'm not real real active in either other than the music at church 1, but it's still something I consider important.

    So there; that's everything there is to know about me!

    Edit: I forgot to add that I am also a bit of a sports junkie. I don't actually go to that many games or even watch many on TV, but I am somewhat addicted to sports talk radio and following the seasons and teams online. NBA basketball, due to the high drama, trades, and advanced stats, is my favorite. After that comes football, baseball, and hockey, in that order.
    Last edited by Eric; September 15th, 2010 at 09:22 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Spudman
    Does anyone read the original post?
    Guitars: Gibson LP Studio, MIA Fender Precision, Carvin C350
    Amps: Genz Benz Shuttle 6.0 + Avatar B212 / Genzler 12-3, Acoustic B20
    Pedals: Pod HD500X, Diamond Compressor, Tech 21 VT Bass, Sonic Research Turbo Tuner

  8. #46
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.
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    For years I used to have a little cottage on the French River, just south of Sudbury. I remember driving along the 401 and north on 400 and 69 and you boys do like that pedal on the right, dontcha? LOL
    One night I was heading up there in a snow storm, heading west on 401. I couldn't see a thing and snow had covered up an trace of lanes. But those Canadian truckers weren't phased a bit. I was just hoping they'd see my taillights.
    I lost the cottage years ago in the aftermath of a nasty divorce. (Even though it was all mine before the marriage, long story). I spend my time making custom guitar straps, playing guitar drums and a little bass, working on getting a trio together, yardwork, kayaking and fishing, motorcycling, hanging with my wife, playing with our dogs. I'm a happy camper. And like Spud, I occasionally will bite the head off a small furry creature, my cat taught me that one ~

    Quote Originally Posted by zeusse
    Great to see people here dabble in so many different areas of trade and like Justaguyin I've been truckin for 25years but its a little different I haul gasoline around Ontario and Quebec and my owner is my buddy so I can generaly work when I want and make as much as I want....other than that married for 18years with alot of guitar and son is 12 and plays AAA PeeWee hockey so alot of traveling around we do for that and I play in a mens league here in town. My daughter is 14 and like her mother spends any money I have left over..LOL I play in what I like to refer to as a part-time weekend band and the other guys have jobs and kids so we take gigs when it matches everyones schedules so maybe 12-15 gigs a year...other than that I enjoy meeting all the great people that get involved with music here on the internet....its all good!!

    Here's some pics of my truck and a typical day yeah its a lot of truck only 150 000 lbs loaded with 60000 litres of gas

  9. #47
    Join Date
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    Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
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    Lately I help my kids with their homework.....
    Guitars/Bass - MIM Fender Classic 50s Strat, MIM Fender Standard Strat, Squier Classic Vibe 50s Tele, Gibson Les Paul Studio, Epi '56 Gold Top Les Paul, Martin DSR acoustic, Sigma Martin Auditorium electric/acoustic, Squier Jazz Bass.

    Amps/Cabinets/Modelers - Model 2558 50 watt Marshall Silver Anniversary Jubilee combo w/ Celestion Vintage 30s, 4x12 Marshall cabinet w/25 watt Greenback Celestions, Fender Blues Junior w/ a couple of Billm mods, Line 6 POD 2.0, Roland Micro Cube

    Pedals/Effects - Cry Baby Classic Wah, Boss TU-2, Boss NS-2, Boss RC-2 Loop Station, Ross Compressor, MXR Micro Amp, Danelectro FAB Echo, Danelectro FAB Chorus, Danelectro Chicken Salad, Marshall Guv'nor Plus, Marshall Echohead, Duhvoodooman's Zonkin' Yellow Screamer, Digitech Digiverb, Digitech Bad Monkey, Dunlop Fuzz Face, Homemade Loop Bypass pedal, Duhvoodooman's Sonic Tonic (Maxon SD-9 clone +), Voodoo Labs Superfuzz

  10. #48
    Join Date
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    Not sure how I missed this thread either, Eric.

    I've also covered the career stuff for the most part. I went to school for aviation back in the early 80's, but the industry was terrible for jobs, so I went to computer/IT tech school and started working at the Johnson Space Center/NASA for several years. Met my future ex-wife there, who I went to high school with but never knew back then. Had a great son out of the deal but divorced later.

    My second wife came from South Jersey, is a nurse and the most honest, caring person I've ever known. We are best friends and soul mates. I got 3 step kids that sadly were messed up for years after their dad died early in their lives. 2 of the 3 are finally getting their lives together 12 years after I met their mom. We are raising our oldest grandson who is now 9. He's super hyper (a severe case of ADHD), but has a wonderful heart and is very intelligent. Last year, the step son (26) provided us with twin boy grandsons, and the youngest daughter (23) gave us a beautiful granddaughter weeks later.

    I love time with family and have my son (14, just started high school) every weekend. I read books when I get the rare chance, do wood work projects, gardening, and used to ride road and MTB bikes 3 to 4 days a week before I started this new night shift job. I miss that. I used to be a surfer for a few decades, as well as an avid wade and kayak fisherman in the local saltwater bays.

    An undiagnosed muscle/bone/joint deterioration condition has slowed most of my activities, but I can still play guitar without too much pain. Life is rarely easy, but it sure is good to be alive!
    Guitar: Gibson SG Standard Natural Burst, Squier CV 50's Tele, Hell Guitars No. 2, Squier CV 50's Strat, Reverend Club King 290, Taylor 522e 12-Fret mahogany,
    Squier Vintage Modified Jaguar Bass Short Scale
    Amp: Fender Super Champ X2 Head, Egnater Tweaker 15, Fender Mustang I, Acoustic B20 1x12 bass amp
    Pedal: Budda Budwah wah, Wampler Ego Compressor, Electro-Harmonix Soul Food, Voodoo Lab Sparkle Drive, Wampler Velvet Fuzz, Seven Sisters Eve Tremolo, TC Electronics Gravy Tri Chorus & Vibrato, Catalinbread Echorec, TC Electronic Alter Ego 2 Delay, Hardwire Supernatural Ambient Verb, MXR Carbon Copy, Catalinbread RAH, Big Muff Pi with Tone Wicker, BYOC Mouse 2.0 Distortion, BYOC Boost/OD-2

  11. #49
    Join Date
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    NW Missouri,
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tone2TheBone
    Lately I help my kids with their homework.....
    Our youngest is a senior in HS this year, and she's smarter than me (just ask her!), so I can't help.
    She doesn't mind asking for advice, tho.......... "Dad, what's that hanging underneath my car?"
    Wilburn Versatare, '52 FrankenTele(Fender licensed parts), Fender USA Roadhouse Strat, Fender USA Standard B-bender Telecaster, Agile AL 3000 w/ WCR pickups, Ibanez MIJ V300 Acoustic, Squier Precision Bass,
    Ceriatone Overtone Special, Musicman 212 Sixty-Five, Fender Blues Jr., Peavey Classic 30, Fender Super Reverb, Traynor YCV-40 WR Anniversary w/ matching 1x12 ext. cab, Epiphone SoCal 50w head w/ matching 4x12 cab (Lady Luck speakers), Avatar 2x12 semi-open back cab w/ Celestion speakers
    Digitech Bad Monkey, Digitech Jamman, DVM's ZYS, Goodrich volume pedal

  12. #50
    Join Date
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    Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
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    Quote Originally Posted by oldguy
    Our youngest is a senior in HS this year, and she's smarter than me (just ask her!), so I can't help.
    She doesn't mind asking for advice, tho.......... "Dad, what's that hanging underneath my car?"
    My oldest just started college so luckily she helps me with my youngest in math. My youngest asked me last night why math was so hard and I simply replied "that's why they call it math".
    Guitars/Bass - MIM Fender Classic 50s Strat, MIM Fender Standard Strat, Squier Classic Vibe 50s Tele, Gibson Les Paul Studio, Epi '56 Gold Top Les Paul, Martin DSR acoustic, Sigma Martin Auditorium electric/acoustic, Squier Jazz Bass.

    Amps/Cabinets/Modelers - Model 2558 50 watt Marshall Silver Anniversary Jubilee combo w/ Celestion Vintage 30s, 4x12 Marshall cabinet w/25 watt Greenback Celestions, Fender Blues Junior w/ a couple of Billm mods, Line 6 POD 2.0, Roland Micro Cube

    Pedals/Effects - Cry Baby Classic Wah, Boss TU-2, Boss NS-2, Boss RC-2 Loop Station, Ross Compressor, MXR Micro Amp, Danelectro FAB Echo, Danelectro FAB Chorus, Danelectro Chicken Salad, Marshall Guv'nor Plus, Marshall Echohead, Duhvoodooman's Zonkin' Yellow Screamer, Digitech Digiverb, Digitech Bad Monkey, Dunlop Fuzz Face, Homemade Loop Bypass pedal, Duhvoodooman's Sonic Tonic (Maxon SD-9 clone +), Voodoo Labs Superfuzz

  13. #51
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Mountains of Kentucky
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    Glad to revisit this page, My job duties have changed as of this past week. I will no longer be a member of IBEW as I now have a non-union position as GIS ENGINEER& Operations Assistant for a rural electric co-op. My guitar playing has improved since I started 5 years ago, still more of strumming than picking but I help MC our FRONT PORCH PICKIN at the local Country Music Museum and run our sound system on many occasions. I'm still the music show chairman for The Kentucky Apple Festival- see
    I love to play golf when time allows, I enjoy photography and my wife still hates the fact that I have the desire to deer hunt, although due to my last shoulder injury I have quit bow hunting for now.
    I have come to enjoy listening to music almost as much as playing it for relaxation. I have seen many highs and lows change what takes place in the life I walk in, I have come to appreciate friends for we never know when they will leave our life.

  14. #52
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    I'm a lawyer. I do research and writing for other lawyers exclusively.

    I play in a bunch of different rock bands, and in church. Guitar, bass, and a bit of mandolin. Have a show with the hippie side band (I play mandolin and 6 and 12-string guitars) this Friday night. Am finally getting my main band (the one where I'm the lead singer/songwriter, playing old school punk rock and roll) back up and running, got a gig in mid-October.

    I sometimes skateboard with my son, who is 13, but I'm getting long in the tooth for that. My daughter is a high school senior in the International Baccalaureate program. is a National Merit Scholar, and she plays bass with me in the church band.

    In addition to lawyering and playing teh rock, I write a local music column for a quarterly local magazine. I have written about music for over 15 years now, for at least 4 or5 diferent mags. This is the first time I'm actually getting paid in cash, rather than press passes or free CD's. Oh, and my first photo byline/bio.

    My wife teaches English to foreign-born adults.

    I have a lump on my neck I've named Rutherford. CT scan on Wednesday.

  15. #53
    Join Date
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    Monmouth, OR
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    Thanks for dredging this one up, Eric. Good stuff!

    Other than that thing I do to pay the bills (I'm a communications technician for a large company based in Philadelphia), and playing guitar, I spend time with my fiancee and her 9-year old daughter. My family. We take family walks, which seems to be making me fat (there always seems to be a stop for ice cream on our walks. Our walks are the unhealthiest walks EVER). I also spend some time working on my guitars, and experimenting with electricity. I also run a childrens' petting zoo featuring various breeds of badger and wolverines. Currently we're closed due to not being able to find anyone to carry our liability insurance.

    In my spare time, I usually eat. I collect zombie paraphernalia, movies, and kidney stones (only my own, so please don't volunteer any of yours, thanks!).

    I've already been married once, and apparently I haven't learned my lesson yet, because I'm ready to do it again. Seriously, my fiancee, Kris, is a wonderful lady who is my best friend as well as the love of my life, and she is solely responsible for my latest guitar purchase. She's definitely the right one for me.

    I've lived in Oregon for two years now, and it finally feels like home. I do sometimes miss my former hometown of Bellingham, Washington, which is a beautiful place, but it remains a great place to visit.
    Guitars: Lots.
    Amphs: More than last year.
    Pedals: Many, although I go straight from guitar to amp more often lately.

  16. #54
    Join Date
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    Just outside Atlanta
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    Other than work, my wife and I travel a little....a very little. All of our kids are grown and out of the house. Only one isn't married, so we play with grandbabies a lot. Gosh, I really don't know where all my time goes....just doesn't seem to be much of it. I must have a time leak....or I've managed to loose some somewhere...

  17. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by Perfect Stranger
    Other than work, my wife and I travel a little....a very little. All of our kids are grown and out of the house. Only one isn't married, so we play with grandbabies a lot. Gosh, I really don't know where all my time goes....just doesn't seem to be much of it. I must have a time leak....or I've managed to loose some somewhere...
    Nothing wrong with that. I sometimes feel the same way, like I honestly don't know where time goes, but what good is time if you don't use it for something, you know?

    Sounds like your pursuits are pretty fun, anyway.
    Quote Originally Posted by Spudman
    Does anyone read the original post?
    Guitars: Gibson LP Studio, MIA Fender Precision, Carvin C350
    Amps: Genz Benz Shuttle 6.0 + Avatar B212 / Genzler 12-3, Acoustic B20
    Pedals: Pod HD500X, Diamond Compressor, Tech 21 VT Bass, Sonic Research Turbo Tuner

  18. #56
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    North of the Equator: I am a Southerner, Southern Ontario!
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    I restore old Muscle Cars. I have recently purchased my first Ford in 40 years, a pickup truck. I am in the process of doing a mini restore on it. Mostly drive train issues. Not an old vehicle by any means. I just like to have everything working.
    Otaypanky: I used to go to my friends cottage up in Monetville, in the same area near Sudbury. Love the area as well. Too bad about the cottage.
    That would be a long drive for you.
    The Blues is alright!

    Guitars: 1968 Gibson SG, 2005 Gibson SG Standard, 2006 Gibson LP Classic Gold top, 2004 Epiphone Elitist LP Custom, 1996 Gibson Les Paul Standard. 2001 Epiphone Sheraton II, 2007 Epiphone G400.
    Fender Strats: 1996 Fender 68 Reissue CIJ, 2008 Squier CV 50s, 2009 Squier CV 50s Tele Butterescotch Blonde

    Amps: Blues Junior Special edition Jensen in Brown Tolex with Wheat front, 65 Deluxe Reverb reissue,1970 Sonax reverb by Traynor, Avatar Custom 2/12 Cabinet with Eminence Legend V1216 speakers,
    2008 DSL100 Marshall Amp , Fender Super Champ XD,Fender Vibro Champ XD

    Effects and Pedals: Fulltone Fulldrive II, Fulltone OCD, Fulltone Mini Deja Vibe, Fulltone Fat Boost, Dunlop Crybaby Wah, Boss DS1, Boss DD20 Giga Delay, Boss TU2 tuner, Boss BD2, Ibanez TS9 Tube screamer, Zoom 505. Radial tonebone hot british.

  19. #57
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    Monmouth, OR
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZMAN
    I restore old Muscle Cars.
    That's a very cool hobby, Z! My muscle car days are over now, at least until I have my mid-life crisis, but I still admire them.
    Guitars: Lots.
    Amphs: More than last year.
    Pedals: Many, although I go straight from guitar to amp more often lately.

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