Anyone here own, use, or have played through one of these? Up until now, I've been patiently waiting for someone to do a post on one of these little magic boxes, but so far - nada! I've heard some pretty awesome guitar stuff done with this piece of gear, and have even watched a couple of players use these live, either running them as a pre-amp, or directly into the board. They're loaded with all kinds of tones and features. The new Pod XT goes for around $300, and considering all that it can do, esp. in the home-recording dept., it seems like a pretty worthwhile piece of great to have.

Here's a link to the Pod XT tone sample page on the Line 6 website. Some of these tones are dangerously close to the originals, so prepare yourself:

I'm seriously considering getting one of these, and would like to hear what everyone else thinks of them - esp. from the recording stand-point.