Quote Originally Posted by Nelskie
. . . Couple that with the nearly endless supply of tones via the Line 6 Custom Tone website, there really isn't any tonal territory I can't cover with it. http://line6.com/customtone/
Sadly, the powers that be over at Line 6 have decided to close the PODxt section of the Custom Tone website. Apparently, this due to the fact that many people "tweak" many of the posted tones, and then re-post them under their own name. As I see it, however, just as many people are posting all new tones, so it seems to even itself out. Anyways - the administrators don't like it, and they've decided to pull the plug. As of Feb. 1, it will no longer be. Who knows, maybe it'll turn out like the Great Open Mic Fiasco of 2006, and they'll decide to re-open it again?

So, to all (3) of the PODxt people who frequent the forum (that's from my last count), if you want some new tones to play with - - the clock is ticking. T-minus (8) days . . . and counting.