
I am somewhat ambidextrous and am concerned about picking up bad habits with my guitar playing. I had this problem when I played drums and I want to avoid it on the guitar if I can. I play right handed which is natural to me but there are times when I favor the left in my left hand fingering.
I notice when playing a lead I have a habit of starting my phrasing out with my first finger which starts me off on a low note in a pattern. I know this is okay with hammer-ons and what not but I think I do it too much. From what I hear it sounds like most (but not all) phrases end on a higher note then when you started out, which gives a brighter sound to the phrase. I guess I have trouble leading with my third and fourth fingers in phrasing. I have been practicing Roberts recent lesson with triads which I think is helping a lot. It is giving me a new avenue to explore and I like it alot.
Do you know of any lessons or patterns that might help me over come this? I think it is getting to be too much of a habit with me. I know I am very inexperienced yet but I want to get this right before it gets too common in my playing.
I hope I am explaining this correctly.

Thank you for your time and help.
