Hey all,

M29 introduced me to the site, we go back a long way. Used to play in a band together in the mid 80's. No, it wasn't a big hair band,
We did some contemporary christian stuff as well as originals. Get this though, M29 was our drummer.

Everything looks cool here, think I'll hang a while, if ya don't mind.

A bit about me:
Playin' 30yrs +
Currently in a classic rock band, playing all of our favorites, cause its all about the fun!
Carvin Bolt
Carvin V16 (H-Modded)
Parker PM20
Tech 21 Trademark 120
Various Boss pedals (modded of course)
Mackie PA gear
Mac / Emagic personal studio gear.

Here's a few pix for fun:
M29 helped me build the blue axe, and he painted the white one:

My little corner of the world:

The stage:

The band: