Bad cat.....or Mesa Boogie Roadster combo OR.....Chicago Blues Box?

I played both the Bad cat combo and the Roadster but I really cant get a hold of a CBB....their custom ordered....

Its either that or buy a kit and build them.......I do mainly Junkyard style Blues and rock.....

if you want to hear my setup.....
Its with the full band and my level is a little off (stupid me and a mixer mishap) but I was using two on the 15" speaker and one on the Celestion super 8 as well.

My current rig is a Peavey Delta blues 1x15 with 2x8 closed back ext. cab loaded with celestion super 8's.....a zack wylde wah...Digi Delay and a BBE Green screamer.........It sounds great for what it is. Its not really lacking anything I want tone wise. I just need an excuse to get another amp and I do know thats a crappy excuse to drop a few stacks but hey, we all have our vices and gear is mine....along with pixie sticks.