Hey Fretters,

I feel bad these days. I have a problem that some might call a problem of luxury, but I am so indecisive...

In 1999 I bought a Hendrix Voodoo Strat. As I never liked the script nameplate on the Voodoo I had the chance to get the neck of the Hendrix Tribute Strat instead the one with the mirrored script. Next, I sold the 69 special wound PUs and put in a set of TX Special as also in my Jimmie Vaughan. Sometimes it can get a little nervy playing a lefty neck, so I asked my Boss at Fender and he gave me the neck of a 62' custom. I used to change necks for a bit, but left the 62 neck on the Hendrix body in the end.

My conciousness is alarming me these days that I "destroyed" something with my constant drive to modify things.
It made me sad to hear my guitar tech say:"you can not store the Hendrix neck all the time, because it will brake down if you do not install it!".

Now, here's my problem - I am running on a small budget (can not spend all the money for guitars and have to make compromises with my wife and kids...) and I had other plans than buying a guitar just to put the Hendrix neck on it. Saved up a little money for some nice pedals, or maybe later a nice tube Marshall 1987x.

What would you do? I saw the Vintage V6 guitars and they are supposed to be okay for low money, but putting a Hendrix or even 62 neck on it? On the one hand I feel I have to restore the Hendrix Strat, on the other hand I feel that the Frankenstein I have created is a beautiful guitar. Putting the Hendrix neck on a cheap guitar it not worth it maybe...Problem is that I almost only like white Strats and Fender discontinued the Classic 60's and 50's series in white colour! Don't know why they did so.

My thoughts were to buy a black Highway one Strat that features American hardware and some nice PUs and then make the "Isle of White Strat" out of it (although this would bother me too! Knowing it is not the reald thing). Maybe selling the Highway neck and the PUs immediately and buy some 69 custom PUs for the money. Or buying a lake placid blue or fiesta red classic Fender and put the 62 neck on it, but I do not want to diminish the quality (PU change is unevitable).

What do you think and do you have any ideas maybe?
Sorry for posting such a long and nervy thread but I've been thinking about this for days and it gives me headaches and sleepless nights! No kidding.
I can not set priorities in this case and need a compass...

I would appreciate receiving your ideas - I count on you!

Thank you guys
