Hello all
My name is navvid (aka nick), I study astrophysics at SF State U, and guitars are better than women. If you are reading this and you are a beutiful red head, I retract my statement. But I digress...

First amongst my beloved ladies is my 87 MIJ 3 tone strat. I also have an 80's Ibanez RG (also nippon) and a korean fender acoustic. My amp is a Marshall TSL100 and a 1960A cab.

I got on this forum looking for help solid modeling a Strat for my first lutherie project. I am using a friends MIJ lefty strat to make a template so I can build a lefty and string it righty. Obviously, I am a Hendrix fan. Greatest guitarist of all time, followed very closely and sometimes overtaken by SRV.

I am an amature machinist, I modify and upgrade electronics and I believe that one of the biggest problems with the world today is there are not enough skilled craftsman.

I am glad to be here.