Things started rolling Monday night when I got an offer back for a show at a local club tonight (Thursday 7/19). Called around to all the lads and they could do it, so we'll finally have the debut of Crash Pad's new rhythm section tonight. We'd practiced at our usual time Sunday night but called a special polishing-up practice for last night.

Yesterday (Wednesday) at work was kinda bad, we're buried with work (which is actually a good thing), but my Marketing Director heard from his longtime girlfriend that her dad had suddenly and unexpectedly died of a heart attack. So he'll be gone for the rest of the week and I have to cover for him while trying to get my own work done.

So anyhow last night's practice went well enough, but on the way home I hit a doggone possum, and unfortunately my 10-year-old son was in the car, and he's really sensitive about animals getting hurt or killed. Even though it was an unavoidable accident, I was afraid that it would really upset him. He doesn't even like it in movies or TV shows when something bad happens to animals even though he knows it's fiction.

So I was worried about the lad being upset, as we continued our drive home after stopping at a gas station for gas. We were listening to the local "alternative" rock radio station, and Wednesday night is their 1-hour local music show. So I mused aloud whether they might play Crash Pad. I hadn't specifically asked them to, but had gone to the show's myspace site and posted a mini-copy of the flyer I whipped up Monday night:

Well, they came back from commercial and sure enough the song out of the break was one of ours. Then the show hosts (both of whom I'm personally acquainted with) came on and mentioned the show and chit-chatted about us for a minute (the one guy noted how "distinctive" my vocals are, haha, the other correctly recalled that he was the person that first started calling me "Brian Krashpad"-- a name that's obviously stuck). Then they played a second song of ours!

Of course the boy was in the back of the van bopping around to the tunes and thought it was just about the coolest thing ever that Dad was on the radio, and forgot all about the poor ol' possum.

The end!