
I have a huge GAS on at the moment.................which do I choose.......?

I play a lot of Stones stuff and currently use my AD50 to good effect......BUT.......I now want a Fender amp.....but am having difficulty A/Bing these please offer up your advice.

The one I get will be for 75% home, 25% gigging....I suppose I am looking to get close to the Keef Richards sound without a Twin Reverb......I have a number of stomp boxes including a Bad Monkey, Screamin' Blues, Milk Box Compressor........

This......Tweed Blues deluxe......40 watts...VERY LOUD.......should do the job......

Or one of these Tweed Blues Junior....15 watts.......

I can get either of them for close to the same amount of money........

Just need a bit of Fret my thought is to the Deluxe, a good Big 'un will always beat a good little 'un...............but will it be too much at home?

I will be playing these through whichever I get..........