Just kidding...kinda. My band Second Chance At Eden got the lead spot at two bars as open jammers....we play before anyone else gets to come up and do their thing. Not to mention my solo acoustic and blues stuff is starting to take off. Im not trying to brag, but other than my Girlfriend (who is also a musician and graphic artist...we gots lots in commons) no one really gives a hoot (Tremoloman and a few others that I can't remember their names - sorry guys - are included in the give a hoot) cause my fam, and friends are A-holes.

This forum is the only outlet I really have to talk about my music other then the above mentioned, and since I gather were all guitar players (Im a hack...but thats goes without saying) so I think you will all be excited. If any of you make it to Cincinnati, come check us out.....and join in the awesome local music scene ,drink a brew with me and have some fun.

Just thinking about something....depending on who here does music as a serious thing or as a really intense hobby...we should start a network of artists to shack up with if we ever hit the road, and that can get "in's" at bars/clubs/venues....kinda like a musicians guild.....thoughts?