A long long time I tried to find out what it is that I like so many players that at first sight seem to have no "good" technique, nor the best sound according to today's "standards".

For sure I loved the lyrics, the voices, the songwrtiting, but why was I so impressed by the guitar playing then?

It is the "imperfect" playing that brings their music to life. So to me it is the perfection of the imperfection. I can relate way more to Albert King's lines and sharp bendings than to some other cats that play proper and clean.

A very very good example of the a.m. is Sean Costello. Check out Sean Costello at YouTube. This guy's playing seems so basic and fragile, but in fact it is so rich.

Now you could think that you just have to play a little worse to get more character in your music, but if it was that easy then...

I highly assume that this is the secret to players like BB King. How many people did I hear saying that this and that guy plays a million times better and faster than BB King. Sure BB isn't a Steve Vai, and apart from the fact that this man lives the blues you can find the above mentioned chararcteristics in his playing. No arpeggios or sweeps in his playing, but a manner of playing licks to die for!

So far so good