SuperSuede, Play with all three corners. They are all usable. Actually playing with this pick helped me to get thru a bit of my Obsessive Compulsive tendencies. I always had to play with the oposite end from the logo but in reality there is no reason you have to do this. All the corners are made the same. So fight the urge man! Let the pick do it's work!

Robert, I'm glad you like them! One tip: if you take some very fine sand paper, you can take more of the point off and then use some toothpaste to shine the pick back to it's original glow. I don't put round corners on them because a lot of my artists like the sharper points because the pick is brighter sounding that way. I personally like the rounded corners because I don't like a lot of brightness and I think the pick plays faster with it rounded off. I leave the point on because you can always take the point off but you cannot put it back on. I guess I try to make everyone happy. On your next order, if you tell me you want rounded corners, I am more than happy to make them for you. This goes for anyone else that prefers them like that as well.

Actually in the future I am considering making all the V-Picks with rounded corners unless ordered otherwise.....

Thanks for your posts guys.
