Quote Originally Posted by Spudman
It's kind of revealing how people balk at spending $4 for a pick that will last a long time when they don't give any regard to $4 coffee at the premier chains.

I think the money spent on V Picks is money well spent. I do wish they were another color than clear. They are absolutely a pain to find sometimes.

I wouldn't balk if it was my primary pick or "must have" pick, but it's not. I would buy one or two if I happened to see them in a store, but I don't even know if they sell them in stores. If I ordered them, I would have to have DVM be my middle man because it's payment through PayPal.

My playing ability isn't at a level that I need to concern myself with picks. For those that are at that level or can hear a clear distinction, I don't see a problem with buying them.

And I certainly agree about adding color (at no extra cost).

Correction: You can use a credit card.