Yep, another one of the baby boomers.

I got my first guitar when I was ten. I got it for xmas and I also got a ventures album that showed how to play 4 songs. I think I only learned two songs then. One was Pipeline that I loved to play even now but of course I modernized it.

I and a couple of friends in school got together and made a band. We played surf and instrumental music and there was a lot of dancing then. Seems hardly anyone dances anymore nowadays. The band broke up after a drummer drank himself to death, can you believe that ??

I retired in the mid 90s because of some disabilities and spend a lot of times home. I got back into guitars in 97 and I didn't feel like getting into gigging anymore so I just play around with friends and use drum machines and pedals. One chick asked for a demo from me but I told her I'm not interested to go pro. No pressures and no obligations thank you.

This look like a nice place and glad to be here. Oh yeah I got a black Agile lp copy which I put EMG 81-60 in it. I play with my epi valve jr combo amp and a couple of pedals. I also got a kustom 100 watt 2x12 combo amp if I need to be loud.