does anybody know any good names for cheap strat pickups?
I've built a nice strat copy from a kit, and it sounds nice, but I would like a bit of an upgrade, so far I'm thinking of GFS pickups because they are the cheapest I've seen with sets under $100, but I only know about fender custom shop (which are REALLY expensive ) at $200 a set, seymore duncan with about $100 a pickup, dimarzio, which I am yet to look at, and EMG which I think only sells humbuckers, and I don't want that, I just want a nice set of strat pickups that are pretty versatile but mainly good for blues, I don't care about top of the line stuff, I just want good sound and durability at a good price, If you want to know, my limit at the moment is about $150 canadian (though I could stretch a little bit, because quality is worth it)