Quote Originally Posted by wingsdad
My Tacomas (can you hear The Knack?)...
Little slow today, it took me a few extra seconds to get that one.

Quote Originally Posted by wingsdad
Also, I just want to clarify that in my post, I don't mean to 'slam' Taylors, per se, nor offend any Taylor owners out there. If I have, I apologize, upfront. They're fine guitars. But it's my opinion, albeit somewhat biased, perhaps cynical, coming from one who makes his living these days in sales & marketing, that they may be somewhat overrated due to their brilliant marketing.
and/or over priced, but that can be said by more than just one or two makes of guitars. It rubs me the wrong way when there is added cost to buy a name. I wouldn't slam the other makes either, but when they add to their cost because of the nameplate, it just places them out of reach of some buyers - but that's how the market place works.