this band has been around since the early 90's, though i just became aware of them last year when they released the album "you in reverse". the album contained some excellent pop/jamband type songs featuring three effects-driven guitar players. there is some very interesting guitar work on the album, and it made me collect a bunch of their earlier stuff which i also really enjoy. mrs. r_of_g and i drove up to atlanta to see them last november and it was well worth the trip. i couldn't hear anything for about 2 days afterwards, but i had a great time and would definitely see them again.

i'd post some youtube stuff of them playing live, but the sound quality of most of it is terrible so i don't want to do that them. you can go to their website and hear a few of their songs there.

oh, btw they are from boise, idaho so steve or steve, do you know these guys? not know them, but know of them.