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Thread: Epi SoCal 50 video.

  1. #20
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
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    Awesome tone, very direct attack.
    You play very well with the indicvidual dynamics and attacks and this makes the amp even sound 100% better!
    "A lot of people in the industry want to blame downloading for the state of the business. But I think if most music wasn't shit to begin with people wouldn't be downloading it for free," - Corey Taylor (Slipknot)

  2. #21
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    NW Missouri,
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    Quote Originally Posted by ted s
    Glenn, did you say 5 bones for the pair ? I just the same at a local store for 350-400 each, you stole that puppy !
    Yes, Ted, it was around 550 total (I had to pay tax, I live in MO.)
    Musician's Friend;
    Here's my story, sad but true.............
    The sale lasted 3 or 4 weeks. I tried to order online, then I tried calling in the order and was "guaranteed" the amp would be here in 3 to 5 days. 7 days later I get home, no amp. I call- it hasn't left the warehouse yet! A "glitch", I'm told. I talked to 3 different people trying to get this amp, they all assured me it was "on it's way", a week passed and the order wasn't even processed yet!!
    I canceled the order, told them to take me off their mailing list, and hung up.
    I'd never had a problem with Musician's Friend before, but I know others had.
    Here's the kicker--- MF is closing ALL their warehouses 'cept one... or so they told me. Guess which one stays open... KANSAS CITY!!!... because it's centrally located. Not that far from me, so I went and got one, and spent a couple hours just walking around G.A.S. ing........
    I arose early on a crisp Sat. morn and drove the two hours to K.C.
    There were people waiting when the doors opened, and large carts were being loaded hurriedly with various merchandise, not the least of which were the very amps I desired. Luckily my cat-like reflexes netted me the last one.

    When I told the salesman who waited on me (Bob), how bad MF had screwed up the order online and over the phone, he got this " I know, dude" look on his face and said "Yeah, there's a lot of changes going on right now."
    Then I told him I'd canceled and decided to drive down and pick it up myself.
    He said, " You did the right thing. If it's within driving distance, that's a good deal for you, other than the trouble you went through. But you did the best thing."
    Bob made nearly zero commission on this deal, so my "doing the right thing" wasn't about money, it was about getting the product I wanted w/o waiting a month and going through the hassle of phone calls, tracking #'s, and talking to people with little or no experience. " Uh, OK, sure, I can check on that. Hang on..." 5 mins. on hold... " Uh, can you hold, I'm gonna check w/ my supervisor and see if we can find out what went wrong".... 5 min. later.... " Hey, are you still there?"......
    Driving to the place and playing new Gibsons, Fenders, Epis, Deans, ESPs, Washburns, and plugging into various amps and browsing the showroom was a treat compared to the phone hassles, even if it was a 2 hr. drive.
    Wilburn Versatare, '52 FrankenTele(Fender licensed parts), Fender USA Roadhouse Strat, Fender USA Standard B-bender Telecaster, Agile AL 3000 w/ WCR pickups, Ibanez MIJ V300 Acoustic, Squier Precision Bass,
    Ceriatone Overtone Special, Musicman 212 Sixty-Five, Fender Blues Jr., Peavey Classic 30, Fender Super Reverb, Traynor YCV-40 WR Anniversary w/ matching 1x12 ext. cab, Epiphone SoCal 50w head w/ matching 4x12 cab (Lady Luck speakers), Avatar 2x12 semi-open back cab w/ Celestion speakers
    Digitech Bad Monkey, Digitech Jamman, DVM's ZYS, Goodrich volume pedal

  3. #22
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Shelby NC
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    Let this be a lesson for fretters.. if you want something from Musiciansfriend.. send Oldguy the money... have him pick it up and ship it to you...

    I knew you would appreciate me extending this offer for you oldguy..

    Jimmie Vaughan Strat , Squire 51
    Epi 56 GoldTop, SX "Vintage" Jazz Bass
    Zager 50, Guild GAD30R (Excellent)
    G-Dec 3 Thirty, Valve Junior & Cab
    Crate PowerBlock, Crate V33H
    Avatar Cabinet 2x12 Hellatones
    JamVox, Studio GX With Mods/Farm 2.0.

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