Hello folks,,

I have had one of these amps for about a year. I am real happy with what it does. The small amount of time that I use it.

I tend to get caught up in blocks of time that do not include electric guitar. The ones that I have, honestly, I have been playing accoustically for quite some time.

Anyway, I have seen that there are a lot of you out there with this amp. I do not know if I got the "patchtronics and Valvetronics" websites from this forum or another. All I can say is, If you have one of these amps, get to these websites.

For no other reason than GAS, and the fact that I have one of each guitar that I want, I went looking for upgrades for the amp.

Being a home player, I did not need a gigging power plant. I am more than satisfied with the amp modeling and effects that come with this amp. But,
I started to think that I could make it sound better, somehow.

I am in the process of finding out which replacement speaker would be best suited for my needs. Figuring that the company would not put real, quality speakers into a budget product. I think that I have found a way to spend a little more money.

My mind is garbled up with the differences between ceramic and alnico magnets. Celestian and Emminence. I have read posts where the member has opened up the back of his AD30. Others, where the poster has modded his amp to accept a 2-12 cabinet.

The little bit I am learning seems to confirm that the stock speaker in these amps, is a chinese workhorse, not bad and not good.

I believe that I have fallen into the ditch that leads to the Trail of Tone. A place that some folks never come back from. They just keep going forward, searching and replacing equipment along the way. Not, that there is anything wrong with that. A lot of us do the same thing with cars and women.

Now: since I cannot justify spending $100.00 or more on a Celestian, or the $85.00 for the Emminence, I have read where a few members are very happy with a certain model Jensen.

I think that it is a P-10R. Do not hold me to that. About half of the cost of the Celestian. My thinking is, if I wanted the very best, I would not have gotten the Ad30. Also, to put another fifty bucks into it, still leaves open the option of an extension cabinet, somewhere down the line, in the ditch of Tone.

So, does anyone here have any experience with this sort of thing?

Before I make this leap, I will be looking at separating the head from the stock cab and building/buying a 1x12 cabinet. But, then again, the worms in my brain say that a 2x12 cab is not that much bigger. And if two aspirin are always better than one?????

Looking for input and ideas,,,
