Playing with other folks is super beneficial. I almost never play guitar except when I'm either at a band rehearsal or playing onstage any more.

One of my side bands actually now has 3 guitarists when we play at full compliment. The lead singer basically plays open chords and myself and the other lead player work out the arrangemnts from there. It's fun to have 3 guitars doing 3 different things, yet a challenge to keep those individual parts from being too involved, so that the song doesn't end up sounding too "busy."

Fortunately, although I'm self-taught I have been playing for about 35 years, and have been in bands (albiet "original music" bands that don't make any money or gig as often as cover bands) pretty steadily since the early 80's, and there's something to be said for learning by doing. Our newest member, the 3rd guitarist, is younger but actually a better player, having attended Berklee, and is a local guitar instructor. I'm hoping I can pick up a lot from him.