**SOLD** Thanks for looking....

As described in detail in THIS THREAD, I recently picked up a used Boss DS-1 on eBay for the express purpose of doing the Monte Allums "Rectifier Tri-Gain Plus" modification on it. Well, mission accomplished, and the mod turned what I thought was a pretty harsh & trebly sounding distortion pedal into a much smoother & better balanced pedal. And the "tri-gain" switchable clip mode is very useful, with your choice of silicon diode or LED clipping, or a "diode-lift" middle setting that turns the pedal into a straight preamp boost.

I also got to check out an Allums mod kit, to see what they're all about and how he packages these upgrades together. Verdict: Monte does a very nice job with these kits. They're well thought out, use good quality components, come with clear instructions, and are very reasonably priced for what you get.

That said, I've decided to sell the pedal now, because I already have two other distortion pedals and want to put the funds toward a germanium fuzz kit I've been eyeing for some time. I'm only looking to recoup my costs for purchasing the pedal and the mod kit, which comes to $62, but I'll take $60 even for it. Shipping is extra, of course. While the pedal itself is kind of banged up on the casing (scratches and chips in the paint from normal use), nothing is broken on it, and it's 100% functional, obviously! I'll offer it here first for a couple of days, and then throw it up on the 'Bay, if I get no bites.

Contact me by PM, if interested....