Well, on to the next project! This is a cool one. Mentioned HERE back in Sept. by then-new-member Tunghaichuan, I was immediately smitten with the idea of building it. All the info you need is available on John Calhoun's website, where you can also purchase the PCB for the amp build for a very reasonable $19. If you want to hear what this little sucker is capable of, check out THIS CLIP. Sounds like a mini-Marshall stack, no lie!

Between some spare components that Tung was generous enough to send me at no charge, and the rest of the parts order from the sources given in Calhoun's amazingly complete instructions, I've started construction, and finished the PCB fab tonight. Below are some pics, tubes & all. It uses two 12AX7's for the main preamp and a switchable boost stage, and the power tube is a 12AU7!! Now comes the hard part--drilling the chassis and putting all the hardware together. I'll post back here as I make further progress.