An old man is setting on his front porch watching a young man walking down the dirt road in front of his house. The young man has something in his hand. The old man is curious and asks the young man what he has in his hand. He said, “Boy, what’s that you got in your hand?” The young man replied, “Well I got me a roll of duct tape and I’m gonna catch me some ducks.” The old man was incredulous and he said, “You’re a damn fool, you can’t catch ducks with duct tape.”

A few hours later the young man was walking down the road and had 20 ducks caught on the duct tape. The old man thought, “well I’ll be. I can’t believe he caught ducks with duct tape.”

The next morning he saw the same young man walking down the road with a roll of chicken wire in his arms. He asked the young man, “what are you gonna do with that chicken wire?” The young man answered, “well, I’m gonna catch some chickens.” The old man said, “You’re a damn fool, you can’t catch chicken with chicken wire.”

A few hours later the young man was walking down the road and had 20 chickens caught on the chicken wire. The old man thought, “well, I’ll be. I can’t believe he caught chickens with chicken wire.”

The very next morning he saw the same young man walking down the road with a stick in his hand. He asked the young man, “what are you doing with that stick in your hand?” The young man answered, “well, this here’s a piece of pussy willow.” The old man said, “Hold on there boy, I’m gonna grab my hat and go with you.”