Quote Originally Posted by Robert
Here is a cool blues OD tone:
Set it to Numetal, crank up the volume and keep the gain really low, around 9-11 o'clock - just back off on the gain until you find a good tone. Set bass/mid/treble to taste; I set all 3 around 12 o'clock somewhere.

Nice, punchy tone - but still with clarity!

Believe it or not that's what I'm finding works best. I've been messing with alot of the settings and pretty much have dialed in a nice tone with the Boutique OD model. Gain at 10:00, treble at 1:00 and mids and bass at 11:00. I use the compressor to tame the highs with my bridge pup on my strat which really helps alot. I was experimenting with the numetal last night a bit on low gain, but really like the Boutique OD a little bit better,

I found with the AD100VT that on alot of the settings, the tone gets pretty muddy with the gain set past 12:00 on some of the models. Same with the EQ...too much of anything on certain models really affects the tone I'm looking for.

Thanks for the help, I really appreciate it!