I found a couple(almost the same) on my own that I like, works for Sabbath, older Rush, Metallica's Whiplash as well as some early Zeppelin tele stuff.

I use the AC30...Gain about 3pm, Volume between 12 and 3, High 12, Mid 3 and Low 11, either reverb or reverb/chorus(lite on the chorus) Master at between 12 and 3.

Or same settings just use the AC10 instead.

I found these settings work even best with an OD pedal.

The funny/interesting thing is that I began to switch between the different amp models and began to think "wow this is a very versitile setting!"...I noodled around for a lil longer and thought Id better jot down my settings, I made(copied) a setting/tone chart, I noticed the last personal setting I jotted down was in December, but then I noticed almost all of the values were damn near identical! Only difference was the amp model...and my(DVM) OD pedal.