Quote Originally Posted by SuperSwede
Very true, but have you seen the even worse "Bratz" dolls that girls play with these days?? They look like some kind of polish prostitutes that a drunken plastic surgeon had played with..

...and yes my daughters has one.. but I didn´t buy it.

I like Ken© instead
Oh, don't even get me started on Bratz! Barbies are relatively innocuous in comparison. Bratz dolls glamourize the whole shallow "diva" attitude where the only important thing is oneself and one's material possessions-- I'm surprised they don't come with a little toy cell phone to throw at the maid. They're dolls for Reality TV Kulture. Curiously, perhaps as a way to counteract the awful intended image of the dolls themselves, they did a Bratz movie which apparently attempted to teach the opposite lesson. A little too late to rehabilitate the product though, and no changes were made to the product itself (and, as importantly, no change to the way it was marketed).

Unlike Barbies, we actually DID have a Bratz bannination in effect during our daughter's doll-interest years, and we made sure the grandparents knew about it.