I'm half way to the dog house, but I ran across a deal I just couldn't pass up

I've been putting some medium-low bids on MIM Strats on Ebay and they've been going for $300 - $350 before shipping - a "huckleberry" more than I want to shell out right now for something I don't REALLY need. But...

I spied one on my local kijiji site and enquired about it a week or so ago. I lost the guys number, so emailed him and asked if it was still available. He had a couple guys interested so I let it go at that.

I was in the city today so I looked up the number again and gave him a call and lo and behold he still had it. He was asking $300, I offered $250 cash on the barrel and he said "Okay" :

I think it's a 2003 or 2004 MIM Standard (he said he bought it new in 2004) in Ice Blue Metallic (or maybe Agave, but I think it's Ice Blue) with a rosewood fretboard. It's been well played and gigged with, so it has a few bumps and bruises and is in bad need of a proper set up, but the neck is straight and everything is solid, no scratchy pots or loose jacks.

So far it looks like a keeper. I'll post family pics as soon as Mrs. T brings the camera back home from work.
