Hi to all,

I'm a 50 yr. old player who played some in bands as a teen then put my guitar in the closet for many years. I'd take it out, dust it off, and beat on it once in a while but, wasn't really motivated to play.

In the last year or so, I've gotten the inspiration back to play and learn. It's a slow process.

Although I listen to and enjoy many genres of music, my focus has always been electric blues and blues based rock.

Last year I began buying parts off eBay and assembling Strats. I owned one back in the late sixties(sure wish I had it now), and have always liked their versatility.

My current collection of gear is:

Fender DG 14Sce acoustic
Fender Custom Tele FMT HH
Fender MIA Strat - Black, rosewood, vintage trem and pups.
Fender MIA Strat - Crimson transparent, maple, vintage trem, Custom Shop Texas Specials.
Fender MIA Strat - Sapphire Blue transparent, rosewood, vintage trem, Rio Grande Vintage Tallboys.
Fender MIJ Squier Strat - Mid 80's, Olympic White, Mia vintage trem, MIA std pups.
Traynor YCV-20 JJ retube and soon to have Weber ceramic Blue Dog
Dunlop JH-1
Boss BD-2
Boss TU-2
Boss ME-30
Yamaha MagicStomp

Projects in various stages of assembly:

Fender MIA Strat - Vintage Blonde, Warmoth Pro rosewood, Callaham hardware, Kinman's.
Fender Custom Shop body, Warmoth or Custom Shop neck, and Custom Shop 54 or 57/62 pups.

I'm looking forward to meeting folks on here and talking about music and gear.